HiRep 0.1
No Matches
Core Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Core:


 Validation checks of the input parameters specified in the input file and error messages that give instructions how to fix the issue.
 Macros to declare global variables.
 Type definitions and macros for complex numbers used in C.
 Global flags that indicate for example that a certain field has been updated.
 Macros for gamma x spinor.
 Global parameters and arrays.
 Global variables need to be declared once in the main program and then again as extern variables in the files that use them. This can be achieved by just including this header with any other modification. A macro will automatically declare the variable in the main program without the extern modifier and with it everywhere else.
 Basic gpu imports and structs. Include this in files that define GPU logic.
 Type definitions and macros for complex numbers.
 Setup for mpi.
 OpenMP reduction operations for HiRep.
 Type definitions and macros for spin_matrix.
 The elementary site structures defined in suN.h are used in this file to define field structures that contain arrays to save field data and information on the geometry.