The elementary site structures defined in suN.h are used in this file to define field structures that contain arrays to save field data and information on the geometry.
#include "Geometry/geometry_descriptor.h"
#include "suN_types.h"
#include "hr_mpi.h"
#include "TMPL/spinor_field.h.tmpl"
Go to the source code of this file.
#define | _GPU_FIELD_DATA(_type) |
| This macro corresponds to a field declaration line to be used inside a struct declaration. It only adds a GPU field data array, if the code is compiled with the flag WITH_GPU.
#define | _GPU_FIELD_DATA(_type) |
| This macro corresponds to a field declaration line to be used inside a struct declaration. It only adds a GPU field data array, if the code is compiled with the flag WITH_GPU.
#define | _MPI_FIELD_DATA(_type) |
| This macro corresponds to a field declaration line to be used inside a struct declaration. It only add MPI communication handles if the code is compiled with the flag WITH_MPI.
#define | _MPI_FIELD_DATA(_type) |
| This macro corresponds to a field declaration line to be used inside a struct declaration. It only add MPI communication handles if the code is compiled with the flag WITH_MPI.
#define | _DECLARE_FIELD_STRUCT(_name, _type) |
| This macro declares a field struct that contains all necessary field data arrays, geometry information and communication handles.
#define | _FIELD_TYPE spinor_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 1 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE spinor_field_flt |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 1 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE scalar_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 1 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE suNg_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 4 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE suNg_field_flt |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 4 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE suNf_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 4 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE suNf_field_flt |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 4 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE suNg_scalar_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 1 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE suNg_av_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 4 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE gtransf |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 1 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE ldl_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 1 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE clover_term |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 4 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE clover_force |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 6 |
#define | _FIELD_TYPE staple_field |
#define | _FIELD_DIM 3 |
typedef enum comm_t | comm_t |
typedef enum mem_t | mem_t |
typedef struct suNg_field | suNg_field |
typedef struct suNg_scalar_field | suNg_scalar_field |
typedef struct suNg_field_flt | suNg_field_flt |
typedef struct suNf_field | suNf_field |
typedef struct suNf_field_flt | suNf_field_flt |
typedef struct spinor_field | spinor_field |
typedef struct spinor_field_flt | spinor_field_flt |
typedef struct suNg_av_field | suNg_av_field |
typedef struct scalar_field | scalar_field |
typedef struct ldl_field | ldl_field |
typedef struct suNfc_field | suNfc_field |
typedef struct clover_term | clover_term |
typedef struct clover_force | clover_force |
typedef struct staple_field | staple_field |
typedef struct gtransf | gtransf |
enum | comm_t { CPU_COMM = 1 << 0
, GPU_COMM = 1 << 1
} |
enum | mem_t { CPU_MEM = 1 << 0
, GPU_MEM = 1 << 1
} |
The elementary site structures defined in suN.h are used in this file to define field structures that contain arrays to save field data and information on the geometry.
( |
| _name, |
| _type ) |
Value: typedef struct _name { \
_type *ptr; \
int field_dim; \
_MPI_FIELD_DATA(_type) \
_GPU_FIELD_DATA(_type) \
comm_t comm_type; \
mem_t alloc_t; \
} _name
This struct should contain all information necessary to perform operations on the local lattice inclu...
Definition geometry_descriptor.h:106
This macro declares a field struct that contains all necessary field data arrays, geometry information and communication handles.
- Parameters
_name | The name of the field type |
_type | The elementary type struct of data stored at each site/link. |
#define _GPU_FIELD_DATA |
( |
| _type | ) |
This macro corresponds to a field declaration line to be used inside a struct declaration. It only adds a GPU field data array, if the code is compiled with the flag WITH_GPU.
- Parameters
_type | Elementary site/link type of the field data |
#define _GPU_FIELD_DATA |
( |
| _type | ) |
This macro corresponds to a field declaration line to be used inside a struct declaration. It only adds a GPU field data array, if the code is compiled with the flag WITH_GPU.
- Parameters
_type | Elementary site/link type of the field data |
#define _MPI_FIELD_DATA |
( |
| _type | ) |
Value: MPI_Request *comm_req; \
_type *sendbuf_ptr; \
_type *sendbuf_gpu_ptr; \
_type *recvbuf_gpu_ptr;
This macro corresponds to a field declaration line to be used inside a struct declaration. It only add MPI communication handles if the code is compiled with the flag WITH_MPI.