HiRep 0.1
No Matches
geometry_descriptor Struct Reference

This struct should contain all information necessary to perform operations on the local lattice including correct inter-core and inter-node communications. More information on GPU geometry with illustrations can be found in the developer guide in the section on GPU geometry. More...

#include <geometry_descriptor.h>

Data Fields

int inner_master_pieces
int local_master_pieces
int total_spinor_master_pieces
int total_gauge_master_pieces
int * master_start
int * master_end
int master_shift
int ncopies_spinor
int ncopies_gauge
int * copy_from
int * copy_to
int * copy_len
int copy_shift
int nbuffers_spinor
int nbuffers_gauge
int * rbuf_len
int * sbuf_len
int * rbuf_from_proc
int * rbuf_start
int * sbuf_to_proc
int * sbuf_start
int gsize_spinor
int gsize_gauge
int * fuse_mask
int fuse_gauge_size
int fuse_inner_counter

Detailed Description

This struct should contain all information necessary to perform operations on the local lattice including correct inter-core and inter-node communications. More information on GPU geometry with illustrations can be found in the developer guide in the section on GPU geometry.

Field Documentation

◆ gsize_spinor

int geometry_descriptor::gsize_spinor

Number of sites allocated for a spinor field

◆ inner_master_pieces

int geometry_descriptor::inner_master_pieces

Pieces that contain only bulk elements and can therefore need no communications

◆ local_master_pieces

int geometry_descriptor::local_master_pieces

Pieces that contain only sites of the local lattice.

◆ master_end

int * geometry_descriptor::master_end

Array that takes the piece number as index and returns the index of the last site in field data that is element of the piece with the given index. It is assumed that other elements on the piece are stored in preceding indices.

◆ master_shift

int geometry_descriptor::master_shift

This gives the shift of spinor relative to a full lattice. For example: A spinor with odd parity has a geometry that is deplaced by half the number of lattice sites relative to a spinor that is defined on the full lattice.

◆ master_start

int* geometry_descriptor::master_start

Array that takes the piece number as index and returns the index of the first site in the field data that is element of the piece with the given index. It is assumed that other elements on the piece are stored on the following indices.

◆ nbuffers_gauge

int geometry_descriptor::nbuffers_gauge

Number of buffers that need to be transferred for the gauge field.

◆ nbuffers_spinor

int geometry_descriptor::nbuffers_spinor

Number of buffers that need to be transferred for the spinor field.

◆ ncopies_gauge

int geometry_descriptor::ncopies_gauge

This gives the number of pieces that need to be copied from the local lattice to the local lattice in order to ensure contingency of piece data in memory for the gauge field.

◆ ncopies_spinor

int geometry_descriptor::ncopies_spinor

This gives the number of pieces that need to be copied from the local lattice to the local lattice in order to ensure contingency of piece data in memory for the spinor field.

◆ rbuf_from_proc

int* geometry_descriptor::rbuf_from_proc

Array that takes a buffer id and then return the process id of the target process.

◆ rbuf_len

int* geometry_descriptor::rbuf_len

Array that takes a buffer id and then returns the length of this buffer on the receive side.

◆ rbuf_start

int * geometry_descriptor::rbuf_start

Array that takes a buffer id and returns an index of the first site in memory that contains a site that is an element of the buffer piece.

◆ sbuf_len

int * geometry_descriptor::sbuf_len

Array that takes a buffer id and then returns the length of this buffer on the send site.

◆ sbuf_start

int * geometry_descriptor::sbuf_start

Array that takes a buffer id and returns an index of the first site in memory that contains a site that is an element of the send buffer piece.

◆ sbuf_to_proc

int* geometry_descriptor::sbuf_to_proc

Array that takes a buffer id and returns the process id of the process that sends the corresponding buffer.

◆ total_gauge_master_pieces

int geometry_descriptor::total_gauge_master_pieces

Total number of pieces necessary for communications of a gauge field. Since we need more buffers for the gauge fields this number is bigger than the number of spinor master pieces and the buffer pieces for the gauge fields are a superset of the buffer pieces for the spinor field.

◆ total_spinor_master_pieces

int geometry_descriptor::total_spinor_master_pieces

Total number of pieces for a spinor field. Since we need more buffers for the gauge fields, this number is smaller than the number of gauge master pieces and the buffer pieces are a subset of the buffer pieces for gauge field communications.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: