HiRep 0.1
C_kernel_field_input | |
Caddr_t | |
CAlgRemez | |
Cata_qprop_pars | |
CBCs_pars_t | |
Cbigfloat | |
Cblock_info | |
Cborder_id | |
Cbox_t | |
Cclover_force | Clover Force |
Cclover_term | Clover term |
Ccomms_args | |
Ccommunication_info | |
Ccoord4 | |
Ccor_list | |
Ccor_points | |
Cdata_storage | |
Cdata_storage_array | |
Cdble_vec_t | |
Ceva_prec | |
Cfield_gauge_par | |
Cfield_scalar_par | |
Cforce_auxfield_par | |
Cforce_gauge_par | |
Cforce_hmc_par | |
Cforce_rhmc_par | |
Cforce_scalar_par | |
Cg5QMR_fltacc_par | |
Cgeometry_descriptor | This struct should contain all information necessary to perform operations on the local lattice including correct inter-core and inter-node communications. More information on GPU geometry with illustrations can be found in the developer guide in the section on GPU geometry |
Cghmc_par | |
Cgtransf | Gauge transformation |
Cinput_glb | |
Cinput_gpu | |
Cinput_logger | |
Cinput_record_t | |
Cinput_rlx | |
Cintegrator_par | |
Cldl_field | LDL decomposition field needed for clover improvement |
Clrecord | |
Cmeson_observable_s | |
CMINRES_par | |
Cmo_0 | Bundle of meson_observables with momentum 0 |
Cmo_p | Bundle of meson_observables with momentum p |
Cmon_ff_par | |
Cmon_hasenbusch_par | |
Cmon_hasenbusch_tm_par | |
Cmon_hmc_par | |
Cmon_list | |
Cmon_lw_par | |
Cmon_pg_par | |
Cmon_rhmc_par | |
Cmon_scalar_par | |
Cmon_tm_par | |
Cmonomial | |
Cmonomial_data | |
Cmre_par | |
Cmshift_par | |
Cprop_common | Bundle of propagators with zero momentum |
Cprop_p | Bundle of propagators with momentum p |
Crational_app | |
Crecord | |
CSB_t | |
Cscalar_field | Scalar field of double precision real values |
Csection | |
Csite_info | |
Cspinor_field | Spinor field array containing SU(N_f) spinors in chosen fermion representation |
Cspinor_field_flt | Spinor field array containing single precision SU(N_f) spinors in chosen fermion representation |
Csrc_common | Propagator sources with zero-momentum |
Csrc_p | Propagator sources with momentum p |
Cstaple_field | Staple field for Luescher-Weisz |
CsuNf_field | Gauge field in chosen fermion representation |
CsuNf_field_flt | Single precision gauge field in the chosen fermion representation |
CsuNf_propagator | |
CsuNf_spin_matrix | |
CsuNfc_field | Complexified su(N_f) field field |
CsuNg_av_field | Field of SU(N_g) algebra vectors |
CsuNg_field | Gauge field of SU(N_g) matrices |
CsuNg_field_flt | Gauge field of single precision SU(N_g) matrices |
CsuNg_scalar_field | SU(N_g) scalar field of SU(N_g) vectors |
CTimer | |
Cvec_t | |
Cwilson_lines | |
CWL_path_t |